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Become an LNL Provider

The Child Care Assistance Program and Legal Nonlicensed Providers

Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFNs) caregivers are aunts, uncles, grandparents, close family friends and neighbors who provide child care. Often they are a loved one of a child and don’t consider themselves as a child care provider. Instead, they may see themselves as a babysitter or just a close loved one. If these caregivers take care of children on child care assistance, they may register as a legal nonlicensed provider (LNL) to receive payment from the Child Care Assistance Program.

Learn more about becoming a licensed child care professional, including family child care and center child care, at Child Care Wayfinder. Wayfinder is your one-stop navigation network for starting and growing child care programs. They offer personalized support and resources to help you succeed.

Video: What you need to know about becoming an LNL provider.

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