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Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health

The Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health was established to provide the Governor and Legislature with comprehensive recommendations to improve Minnesota’s mental health system. The Task Force welcomes your input, questions, and feedback. Please see the contact us page for more information.

Final report

The Task Force prepared a final report to the governor and Legislature that included nine recommendations for transforming Minnesota's mental health system into a comprehensive continuum of care.  The final report was delivered to Governor Mark Dayton on November 15, 2016.

Task Force Members

A list of task force members appointed by the governor

Meeting dates and information

A list of upcoming meetings

Formulation Teams

Five Formulation Teams of Task Force members are working with DHS staff to formulate issues and plan Task Force meeting discussions.  Information about the Formulation Teams and the Task Force’s work structure can be found in the Public Task Force Work Structure (PDF). The five Formulation Teams are:

Task Force Documents

Background information, presentations, past reports and other links relevant to the task force

Additional resources

Background information, presentations, past reports and other links relevant to the task force

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