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State Advisory Council on Mental Health and Subcommittee on Children’s Mental Health

We unite voices for mental health to advise the governor, legislature, and other state leaders in order to shape policies and services in our state.

Creating a Minnesota where those impacted by mental illness and substance use disorders are supported, valued, and understood by those in positions of power, so they may grow, heal, and have equitable access and opportunities.

The State Advisory Council on Mental Health was established in 1987 under Minnesota Statute 245.697. The State Advisory Council is charged with making recommendations to the governor, Legislature and state departments on mental health policies, programs and services. Members consider current social, cultural, whole family, and person-centered needs when developing these important recommendations. The governor appoints the State Advisory Council members.

The Subcommittee on Children’s Mental Health was established in 1989 under the Minnesota Statute 245.697 Subd. 2a. in order to make recommendations to the State Advisory Council on Mental Health. The chair of the State Advisory Council on Mental Health appoints the Subcommittee members.

The State Advisory Council on Mental Health Bylaws.

The Council and Subcommittee are dedicated to improving mental health services for ALL Minnesotans.

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