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PCA Agency Resources and MN–ITS Training

Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) offer free resources and billing training for enrolled MHCP personal care assistance (PCA) provider agencies who bill for PCA services. Providers bill for services using MN–ITS. MHCP provides these training sessions via webinar.

Billing training is required by state law for non-Medicare certified PCA provider agencies. Agencies must designate and report one person who is responsible for billing (DHS-6000) (PDF) for PCA services. 

Newly enrolled agencies must have their designated billing person complete the training within 30 days of the date of active enrollment with MHCP.

Enrolled agencies who appoint a new designated billing person must report and register the new designated billing person for the training. The new designated billing person must complete the training within 30 days of the change.

Other staff may also take the training, including owners, managing employees, or others.

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