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Workgroup #1: Health Care Delivery Design and Sustainability

Workgroup Lead:
Dr. Penny Wheeler

Rep. Matt Dean, Sen. John Marty, Allison O'Toole, Rosemarie Roach, Larry Schultz, Jim Schowalter, Todd Stivland, and Dr. Penny Wheeler

Workgroup coordinator:
Mat Spaan (DHS),

Agency support staff:
Peter Brickwedde (COM); Kristin Kelly (MNsure); Ahna Minge (MMB); and Diane Rydrych (MDH)

Charge to the Workgroup

Delivery Design & Sustainability

The workgroup will identify innovative health care delivery system strategies to reduce costs and improve health outcomes. In developing these recommendations, the workgroup should assess the impact of these options on the sustainability of health programs, including the impact on the state budget, if any. This workgroup will also examine the impact of options on the health care workforce and delivery system in Minnesota, including, but not limited to, rural and safety-net providers, clinics, and hospitals.

As provided under Minn. Session Laws 2015, Chap. 71, Article 11, Section 62, these strategies may include, but are not limited to:

  • Value-based direct contracting with providers and other entities to reward improved health outcomes and reduced costs, including selective contracting;
  • Contracting to provide services to public programs and commercial products; and
  • Payment models that support and reward coordination of care across the continuum of services and programs.
  • Care model redesign efforts that decrease cost while maintaining or improving quality of care.

Health Disparities & Triple Aim

The workgroup will describe how their recommendations impact health disparities in Minnesota-including disparities related to one's geographical location, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and/or disability-as well their impact on Minnesota's efforts to meet the goals of the Triple Aim (improving patient experience and health outcomes, along with lowering health care costs).


Initial workgroup recommendations are due to the Task Force on November 13, 2015. Final Task Force recommendations are due on January 8, 2016.


Workgroup #1 DRAFT Recommendations - 1.4.2016

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