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Fast Facts

numbers-at-a-glance-480x480Minnesota’s early learning system is getting stronger every day thanks to Parent Aware, Minnesota’s quality rating and improvement system. Professional development supports child care and early education programs to improve their practices. By helping programs create stronger environments for learning, Parent Aware offers tools and resources to help families find quality child care and early education, helping children benefit from care and education that will prepare them for school and life.

Find information for child care and early education programs wanting information about how to become rated in Parent Aware.

Parent Aware rated programs

Child care and early education programs with Parent Aware ratings become resources for children and families within their communities. As more programs are rated, more children are given the opportunity to jumpstart their learning. Since the statewide roll-out in 2012, the number of programs holding a Parent Aware rating has steadily increased.

Fast facts

Fast Facts provides Develop users and the broader public with timely information about how Parent Aware is making a difference. You may be interested in this quick look to see how child care and early education program participation in Parent Aware has grown, the Star Ratings of these programs, the number of children benefiting from these quality early learning environments and the training that our child care and early education workforce has taken to improve their practices.

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