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Live Well at Home reporting

Program data reporting

Live Well at Home grantees are required to report semiannually by submitting a program data report:

  • Due Jan. 15 for July 1 through Dec. 31
  • Due July 15 for Jan. 1 through June 30

Timely data reporting is required. Use the links below to access reporting site and reporting instructions.

Financial reporting

To request payment for grant program expenses incurred, grantees submit quarterly financial reports through the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) on the 15th of the month, following the quarter's end. Grantees can complete quarterly reports using the link provided below. 
For EGMS assistance, please email


Sustaining your nonprofit into the future: A curriculum for home and community based service providers.
This free, web-based training opportunity will encourage you to think about nonprofit sustainability. You will learn how to design a sustainability plan that works for you.

Web resource

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