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METS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Support Procedure

Utilize Minnesota Service Hub web-form to request METS MFA support from MNIT SSAM Team

Due to the METS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Oracle Mobile Authenticator (OMA) process that is now used for every METS userid, MNIT has implemented a new support process for METS MFA support questions.

County users that request METS MFA support should discontinue contacting the METS Service Desk or DHS Health Care Consumer Support by phone or any other means.

The updated METS MFA support process involves utilizing a new web-form support option that is accessed via the Minnesota Service Hub. Only designated personnel, including County Service Liaisons (CSL), have access to the web-form. When the web-form is submitted, a Systems and Security Access Management (SSAM) Team analyst will respond to the question. Please see below for detailed instructions.

The common issues related to METS MFA support will fall under one of the following situations:

  • When the user attempts to login to METS and selects to receive the one-time passcode via email, and no email message is received with the one-time passcode in the user’s inbox or other email folders (ex: Junk mail, …. Etc.)
  • This most likely occurs when an incorrect email address is defaulted or entered by the user during registration for an email MFA, and thesystem is trying to send the one-pass code to an incorrect email address and therefore the user does not receive the email message with the one-time passcode.
  • To resolve this, the SSAM Team can verify the email address in the user record and modify it, if needed.
  • When a user attempts to ‘Add Account’ to OMA App, the user receives the following error:
  • This account is already configured on another device. Contact your administrator.’
  • This occurs when the user account was setup previously on OMA App and the user’s device has been changed (desktop, laptop, mobile, …. etc.).

  • To resolve this, the SSAM Team will need to clear the device field on the user record, then the user will be able to ‘Add Account’ to the OMA App. This action will register the user’s new device into the user’s record.
  • If the user experiences an OMA app installation issue, please refer to the OMA instruction document.

Please see the steps below to submit a METS MFA support request.

Go to Minnesota Service HUB

Minnesota Service Hub

To find the correct form to enter your METS MFA support request, type ‘SSAM’ by the Search magnifying glass and ‘Hello, how can I help you?’ field

SSAM General Inquiry

To enter a METS MFA support request, Click on ‘Request Now’ by SSAM General Inquiry.

Enter current (or future) date in the field ‘Effective date’.

Select ‘METS MFA Support’ from the dropdown of the field ‘Request type’.

SSAM General Inquiry screen

Depending on the type of issue to report, select one of the following three check boxes:

  • Not receiving MFA one-time access code via county or SIR email.
    (If this is checked, a new field will be displayed to enter the email address to receive the one-time access code)
  • Unable to add an account to the Oracle Mobile Authenticator (OMA) application, was the computer/device replaced?
  • Other issue with MFA.

Enter details of the METS MFA issue being reported in the Description field. An attachment can be added to the form (if needed).

After completing all the required fields, click ‘Submit request’.

The METS MFA support request is now created and will be reviewed and assigned to one of the SSAM analysts.

METS MFA support

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