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Frequently asked questions about DSD grants

The purpose of this webpage is to provide timely, useful and transparent answers about competitive grant funding through the Disability Services Division (DSD) within the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). This information is for lead agencies, advocacy groups, tribal nations, individuals, and other organizations that seek competitive funding through DSD to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families in Minnesota. We provide these frequently asked questions to show you how to find and apply for competitive grant funding through DSD. This FAQ also contains information to help you meet grant requirements and compliance standards once we have awarded money to you.

If you need interpreter or translation support, contact DHS using the Disability Services Division Grants Contact Form so we can review options with you.

Finding DSD grant opportunities

Application process

Additional information

Current grantees

This section is for grantees who have been awarded money and signed a DHS contract through DSD.

Grant expectations and requirements

This section is for 1) people and organizations applying for DSD funding, so they may understand the requirements of a DHS contract before applying and 2) those who have been awarded money and signed a DHS contract through DSD.

Innovation grants

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