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Upcoming DHS Service Improvements

The Minnesota Department of Human Services is developing and launching new and improved initiatives that will provide people with disabilities and their families more personal choice and control over how they engage with available services. Please read about each initiative below to see how it might improve quality and change how you access your services.

Initiative Focus
MnCHOICES Revision

MnCHOICES is a way for individuals to:

  • Share their needs for services and an assessment
  • Receive an assessment summary which provides referrals and resources
  • If a person qualifies for Long Term Services and Supports, they will receive a support plan that outlines their services and supports.

The application is being revised to improve and streamline the process for all people working with county, tribal nations and managed care organizations.

Waiver Reimagine (WR)

Waiver Reimagine (WR) redefines the four disability waivers (Brain Injury, Community Alternative Care, Community Access for Disability Inclusion, and Developmental Disabilities) so that they accommodate where individuals choose to live, and not just their diagnoses.

Community First Services and Supports (CFSS)

Community First Services and Support (CFSS) will replace personal care assistance (PCA) and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG). People will have more options to increase their level of choice and control.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

If an individual is receiving services at their home, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) will be completed during each provider visit. Nothing is required of the individual, but they should be aware of this program being in place.

MnCHOICES Revision

Waiver Reimagined (WR)

Community First Services and Supports (CFSS)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

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