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Vulnerable adult protection and elder abuse

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Report suspected vulnerable adult abuse, neglect or financial exploitation

MAARC – Adult Abuse Reporting

Everyone needs help sometimes

As Minnesotans, we look out for each other. It’s why the Minnesota Department of Human Services and other state agencies, along with counties and communities across the state, work to promote safety and well-being for all. But you can’t solve every problem by yourself. That’s why we’re here, doing our best to help make sure those in need are safe and supported.

Minnesota Adult Protection PSA - video

If you suspect something is wrong, speak up. One conversation could change someone’s life.

The Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) provides a toll-free number, 1-844-880-1574, for the general public to report suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults. Mandated reporters – including law enforcement, educators, doctors, nurses, social workers and other licensed professionals – can use a web-based reporting system. Call 911 first if you are reporting an emergency that requires immediate assistance from law enforcement, fire department or an ambulance.

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