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DWRS frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about Minnesota's Disability Waiver Rate System (DWRS).

DWRS implementation of Waiver Reimagine

Waiver Reimagine is a project that simplifies the disability waiver system and creates more options for people and their families. For more information about the project, see the Waiver Reimagine webpage.

This page is a resource for lead agencies and providers about Waiver Reimagine and the DWRS.


The first phase of the Waiver Reimagine project streamlined services across all disability waivers. This was implemented on a rolling basis for services starting in 2021, or upon federal approval.

For service planning and rate calculations, effective Jan. 1, 2021, or later, lead agencies began using the new streamlined services and corresponding Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System codes in the MnCHOICES Support Plan (MnSP).

Rate Management System (RMS) frameworks


At the person’s 2022 renewal or a service change in 2022 prior to renewal, review CBSM – Waiver Reimagine streamlined service crosswalk. Select the correct service to meet the person’s needs based on the Waiver Reimagine service definitions, in cooperation with support planning.

Integrated community supports



Service planning

Customized living

DWRS exceptions

Exceptions are available to meet extraordinary costs incurred by providers when the RMS rate does not meet the extraordinary needs of some people who receive services. Lead agencies use the DWRS exception request application, DHS-5820 (PDF) to submit requests to DHS. For more information, please see the Frequently asked questions about DWRS exceptions page.

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