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Waiver Reimagine FAQs

Waiver Reimagine aims to simplify the disability waiver system and create more options for people who use disability waiver services and their families. The first phase streamlined and simplified the waiver service menu across the four waivers. During the 2021 first special session, the Minnesota Legislature authorized DHS to begin the next phase of the Waiver Reimagine project to support and expand informed choices and informed decision making by:

  • Reshaping the four current disability waiver programs into a two-waiver structure.
  • Moving people who use disability waivers to individualized budgets.

The following questions and answers share some basic information about waiver services and the second phase of Waiver Reimagine.

General questions

Waiver Reimagine Phase 2

Questions below relate to the second phase of Waiver Reimagine.

Eligibility and level of care


Case management

Moving between two waivers

Services by waiver

Individual budgets

Support ranges and budget amounts

Budget and rate exceptions

Self-directed service options

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