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Unreimbursed and uninsured medical or dental expenses

In addition to setting a medical support obligation, many court orders state the percentage of uninsured and unreimbursed medical or dental costs that each parent must pay. If a parent does not pay their portion, the other parent can begin the collection process by formally requesting payment.

The child support office will not start collections until all of the following have occurred.

  1. A parent sent a formal request for payment to the other parent (following the steps below).
  2. The other parent did not respond to the formal request within 30 days.
  3. The parent requesting payment then asks the child support office to help.

Formal request for payment by the parent

A parent must make a formal request for payment within two years of the date of the medical expense. The parent requesting payment must notify the other parent by completing and sending the following documents:

  • Notice of Intent to Collect Unreimbursed and/or Uninsured Medical/Dental Expenses
  • Affidavit of Health Care Expenses.

These documents and instructions are in the Unreimbursed and/or Uninsured Medical/Dental Expenses Packet (PDF).

If the other parent does not respond to the Notice of Intent to Collect within 30 days, the parent requesting payment has two options.

Collection by the child support office

The child support office is not involved with the collection of unreimbursed and uninsured medical expenses until after 30 days have passed without a response from the responsible parent. If 30 days have passed, the parent requesting payment can ask the county child support office to collect the amount owed.

The worker will need a copy of each of these documents:

  • Notice of Intent to Collect Unreimbursed and/or Uninsured Medical/Dental Expenses
  • Affidavit of Health Care Expenses
  • Bills and receipts listed on the affidavit
  • Insurance company's Explanation of Benefits

The child support office will verify that the parent making the request followed the correct procedure. If yes, then the office will send a Notice of Intent to Enforce Unreimbursed and/or Uninsured Medical/Dental Expenses to the parent responsible for payment.

The child support worker may add the expenses to the child support case.

  • For amounts owed by the noncustodial parent, the amount will be added as past due payments, also called arrears, owed to the custodial parent.
  • For amounts owed by the custodial parent, 20 percent of the custodial parent's monthly child support payment may be deducted to pay the noncustodial parent until the full amount is paid.


State laws can be found on the Minnesota Office of the Revisor website.

  • Minnesota Statute, section 518A.41
  • Minnesota Statute, section 518A.69
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