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Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)

Informational page (PDF)

The Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program supports the delivery of services and resources to individuals who have serious mental illness, may have a co-occurring substance use disorder, and are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness.

PATH prioritizes serving people with complex needs and barriers to housing who are often difficult to locate, engage in services, and connect to resources to meet their basic needs. PATH services work to find and then assist people to connect to community based services and transition from homelessness.

 Primary services through PATH are:

  • Outreach
  • Case management

PATH services may also include:

  • Screening and diagnostic assessment
  • Community mental health
  • Substance use treatment
  • Limited housing supports


  1. Guild Incorporated
  2. Hennepin County
  3. Alluma
  4. RADIAS Health
  5. Human Development Center
  6. South Central Human Relations Center
  7. Washington County Community Services
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